Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 10: Closet Cleaning

I learned to stay out of malls as a newlywed. Considering I worked in one it wasn’t easy. At first it seemed like a dream job. A beautiful gift shop full of things our young budget could not afford. But at least I could look. And if I got to wrok early or stayed...
Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 9: Focus

Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 9: Focus

I am very happily married. No, it’s not perfect. But I am so happy. Content. Thankful. In the days leading up to our wedding, I could find no fault in Jeff. And God help the person who tried to tell me otherwise. Of course I knew he wasn’t perfect, but it...
Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 6: Counting

Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 6: Counting

I started my blog a couple months before what would be the darkest time in my life. Most parents would agree there is nothing in life that stretches you, tests you, and proves you like raising a child. It also reveals a love that most have not known except maybe from...


Van Gogh’s The Harvest and my inspirationYou, Who gives seed to the sower, give me faith to scatter.I till the soil of young hearts, some still tender. Others already rocky with the disillusionment of time and experience. The grit and gravel littered upon the...
Summer Somethings

Summer Somethings

I love fall. In my book, September 1 marks its beginning. It is the harbinger of all things cozy, smelly, and yummy. The scented candles come out, baking begins, and I start wondering when it will be cold enough for a fire.But his year has been different. I blinked...

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