5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions/Day 4

5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions/Day 4

  I resolve to seek joy in my salvation and not in my circumstances or temporary things.  5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions: A Devotional for Imperfect Woman 5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions aren't your normal New Year resolutions. They’re resolutions that are made...

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Four Ways to Cultivate Community at Home

Four Ways to Cultivate Community at Home

When I was a kid, no one talked about community. It just was, and it was everywhere—in the fire lane where we’d meet to play football and at the pool where long summer days were spent keeping cool. We found community at school, church, Girl Scouts, youth group,...

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Girl’s Got Her Combat Boots On

Girl’s Got Her Combat Boots On

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. ~Ephesians 6:11 "That's my verse," she said. It embodied the path she was walking. Choosing. Taking the light into a dark place. My good friend who had retired from the Air...

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Unity for the Days After

Unity for the Days After

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. ~Romans 12:18 "Come together." "Unite." These are words we've heard frequently over the last hours, days, weeks and months. But if we're honest, we've doubted the true possibility of unity. How can a...

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Why I’m Going to Costa Rica

Why I’m Going to Costa Rica

I'm driving through the countryside near our home. The curvy back roads hug the base of the mountain ridge like a summer skirt. Centuries-old stone farmhouses stand framed by broad, green fields, lazy cattle, blue sky, and billowy clouds. My pulse slows. Shallow...

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Thriving In Transition

Thriving In Transition

I remember thinking, “When will things get back to normal?” I was a first-time mom, and our new baby boy was barely two weeks old. I can hear you snickering. My dream of becoming a momma had come true. But for all my years of wishing and praying and even my last nine...

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Life On Vacation

Life On Vacation

"As soon as I stepped foot on the beach, I could feel the stress melt away." My freshly tanned friend looks like she's just returned from vacation. Her golden skin gives it away, but there's something else too. The tension in her face and body is gone, and her eyes...

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