5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions/Day 5

5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions/Day 5

  I resolve to hope in God. 5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions: A Devotional for Imperfect Woman 5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions aren't your normal New Year resolutions. They’re resolutions that are made in full consideration of life’s inevitable challenges and...

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When Less Really Is More

When Less Really Is More

  Less is more. You've probably heard it before. It's the minimalist's mantra, and in a loud world longing for simplicity, it makes sense. Rejecting the extraneous and embracing minimalism is a welcome change. But even minimalism can be complicated. A quick...

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Perfectionism & the Saboteur

Perfectionism & the Saboteur

It was one of the first plays I’d ever auditioned for. At sixteen, I was a college freshman, and my introverted self was struggling to connect socially. Drama wasn’t my thing, but I thought it would be a fun way to get involved and make some new friends. The audition...

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Join An Imperfect Woman Launch Team!

Join An Imperfect Woman Launch Team!

See that brave little girl up there? She's who I want to be when I grow up! Can't you just feel her courage and strength? Or is it naiveté? Maybe. But maybe not. Maybe she's still in touch with who she was created to be. Unscathed by the harsh realities life has yet...

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The Windy Road to Our Dreams

The Windy Road to Our Dreams

The road to my home goes up the side of a mountain. It curves back and forth, as it winds its way up the steep incline. As I was driving it the other day, I thought how it repeatedly takes us in the opposite direction of our house. The road to our house sometimes...

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Your Dream, A Path to God’s Heart

Your Dream, A Path to God’s Heart

The realization of a dream isn’t half as dreamy as dreaming it. It’s the put on your big girl pants, pull up your bootstraps, and get to work part of seeing our dreams come to reality. Dreaming isn’t for the faint of heart. At least not the “dreams come true”...

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