Good Enough

This place has become too polished (or at least my expectations of it have).

My dilemma here is the same one I have in my house. I want to be hospitable. To welcome you in with open and generous heart, but first I need to pick up . .

and vacuum
and dust
and put away that pile of laundry
and clean up the stack of papers on my desk
and . . where’d you go?

The time and opportunity went with you. It’s too bad. You came to see me not my house.

And so here. These words are my welcome, my offering, me. I want to offer what I have even when it doesn’t sparkle. A cup of tea today, tomorrow maybe a meal. Or maybe just a glass of water.

I want to come here, and invite you here, on the great days and the not so.

At my mountain summits and in the dark and treasure mine valleys. Even on the flat, (boring) plains where I have to seek to see.

My words capture an image, a moment. They’re a reflection. Let the image be true.

Because true is better than perfect.

So my heart is open. These words my invitation. I don’t know your name, but if you’re here, welcome. This is me. More important, this is me becoming.

Walk with me a while if you like. I plan to be back here often and hope we will meet again.

And please ignore the mess.


  1. Leslie

    You're right, we're always polishing up the mess before we let people in. I'm sick again today, so I'm sort of a mess myself. But I guess if we weren't messes we wouldn't need a Saviour…

    I've been thinking of you and missing your presence here.

  2. elizabeth

    I love this! I love that in this blogging world we can be real and honest and if we are Beauty is found in the midst of the mess.

  3. Sharon Cohen

    "True is better than perfect." That is the most inspiring thing I've read today! I am so glad to have dropped in although computer glitches have caused me to spend half an hour attempting to follow this blog! I know it will be worth the effort.

    I'm here from Emily's Imperfect Prose, enjoying each link and inviting everyone to stop in for my contribution. I am #47 Hearten Soul, Communication.

  4. Jodi

    True friends don't mind a mess–you outshine it.

  5. Kati patrianoceu

    I often think it's amazing how often I visit a friend and they apologise for the mess, or ask me to wait while they pick up, or close doors madly as they guide me to a guest room. As you said, I'm there to see them, not the house! Ironically, as often as not, the house is actually perfectly tidy.

  6. deb

    oh, I'm always becoming..

  7. emily wierenga

    yes. always yes, to humble, penitent mess. and i love you in all of this. tears, because of this. because of your trusting us with you. and you are beautiful. xo

  8. Debi

    Kim – it was so good to meet you at Relevant MOB's Society get together. Your blog is lovely – what an adorable picture/header. I'm a follower now and look forward to reading your 'winsome' wisdom.

  9. Carrie Burtt

    I think we can all relate to this Kim…beautifully spoken! 🙂

  10. alittlebitograce

    oh, that was totally me today! i had company today and wasn't well enough to completely clean my house. it's hard to open up my house when it is so far from perfect! thank you for inviting us in regardless of how perfect things may be. 🙂

  11. Debra from Bungalow

    Hello Kim,
    It was so nice to meet you at Relevant10. I hope you enjoyed the conference as much as I did.

    This post describes me to a T. My house must be spotless and beautiful before I feel comfortable with company. I need to relax and enjoy the company….it's something I need to work on. But it's more than that…..let people/friends in to see the your real self.

    Thank you for sharing some of your real self.

  12. Bethany

    Being true is more important than being perfect. {sigh} Oh to internalize that one. Thanks, Kim. I'm grabbing on to that peace for the rest of this day.

    BTW, I just got your note!! What a SILLY girl I am. You are a sweet, sweet friend. Thanks for sharing YOUR blog TOO!! This is a BIG {HUG} from me.

    Children are calling…

    LOVE to you!

  13. lindsay edmonds

    So sweet to find you here, Kim. It was a pleasure to meet you at Relevant and come here to be refreshed by your words and encouragement. What an inspiration!


  14. Sara

    Hi Kim! I so enjoyed our talk at the MOB Society meet-up during Relevant. Talking with you encouraged me so much! You are just beautiful…and so this this post!

    By the way, I'm looking for your email to get in touch with you.

  15. daniele @ domestic serenity

    Hello there, so glad to stop by after meeting you at Relevant. Thanks for sharing, I can relate & just today wrote a post about struggle with perfectionism! Such true words you write (beautiful ones too…)

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