Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 28~Thankful for Me

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 28~Thankful for Me

Sometimes I feel like maybe I sound like a broken record. Always talking about thanks-giving, how it’s life changing, perspective giving, etc. And sometimes I think I’ve got it down, and I’m ready to move on to another lesson. Then there are days...
Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 26~How

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 26~How

Sonya McCllough is my guest today. Her words are tender and authentic and a beautiful example of the way thanks-giving transcends our circumstances. How do you give thanks … When your Mother dies on the first day of each new year? How do you give thanks … When...
Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 24~Overwhelmed

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 24~Overwhelmed

“I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the love of family and friends.” It’s my Facebook status, and it makes me smile. Overwhelmed was my defining word for decades.  Overwhelmed with laundry, kids, homeschooling, marriage, emotions that...

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