5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions/Day 3

5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions/Day 3

  I resolve not to boast but to humbly submit my plans to God. 5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions: A Devotional for Imperfect Woman 5 Days of Imperfect Resolutions aren't your normal New Year resolutions. They’re resolutions that are made in full consideration of...

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Note to Myself on a Monday

Note to Myself on a Monday

Well here we are again. It's Monday, and you and your planner are raring to go! As you sit sipping your coffee and ready to wrangle this week into hour-by-half-hour-order with your strategies and pencil in hand, give me your ear for just a minute. I promise I won't...

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A Mom’s Heart

A Mom’s Heart

My eyes well up with tears, as I stare at his photo. I can hardly think about him without tears these days. There’s nothing quite so tender as a momma’s heart for her child. Whether he’s twenty months or twenty years, the thought of her beloved takes a mom to a sweet,...

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Imago Dei

Imago Dei

What would it look like? Imago Dei. What would it look like if we really lived like we truly believed that? Every human being created in the image of God. Every. Single. One. Including that guy that just cut you off in traffic. The boss that is intent on making your...

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Two Moms, Their Daughters, & One Purple Bike

Two Moms, Their Daughters, & One Purple Bike

Mom’s bike sat there in the garage, virtually untouched. Every time we’d visit, I glared at it. It taunted me, a reminder of difficult days. Love is a battlefield. ~Pat Benatar KIM: Mom and Dad’s marriage had known those battlefields. They fought hard and were...

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(Not So) Perfect Pictures

(Not So) Perfect Pictures

You know those pictures of mother and daughter on her wedding day? The ones where mother lovingly dresses her daughter. Buttoning her gown. Tying her bow. Pinning her hair. And the mother. She's as beautiful as she's ever been. Except for maybe the day she got...

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Five Reasons Why You Need a Retreat

Five Reasons Why You Need a Retreat

So I'll just begin by saying . . yes, I host a retreat. And yes, I would love for you to attend. But honestly, that's not really what this post is about. No, this is about you and why you need a retreat. For the sake of clarity, let me define what I mean by a retreat....

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