Why I Retreat. And Why You Should Too | part one
The call came unexpectedly. Did I want to take a ride out to a local state park and scout out the area with my photographer daughter-in-law Hilary and granddaughter Amelia? Like most days, I had a plan. It was already thought through and written down, and changing...
Winsome Living
The wise man built his house upon the rock and the rain came tumbling down. The rain came down and the floods came up, and the house on the rock stood firm. It was one of my favorite songs in Sunday school. I knew all the hand motions, and I still feel nostalgic when...
Why Winsome?
Do you remember? The gentle comfort of water cradling your face, muffling sounds, embracing you in wet warmth. Like a womb. Hair floating mermaid-like. Whoosh, whoosh. Held, light, no cares. Joyful. Yesterday, I was at a local lake with my daughters and grandkids. In...
Sustained By Joy
I was a cheerleader once. Well, actually it was the pep squad, but we had pom-poms. I learned to do herkies and smile and wave my arms, and I almost got the splits. But I felt like a fake. The problem was I've always bent toward the introverted side of life. When I...
A Comparison Confession
God, there's so much ugly in me. I'm so prone to jealousy and resentment. I see a sister receive favor from others or you, and I grumble when I ought to rejoice. The older brother is alive and well in my heart. And this party isn't even for a prodigal. No, this...
Embraced By Love
I almost stop breathing when I see this photo. It's as if I don't want to wake them. I imagine myself tiptoeing backwards and quietly shutting the door. Slowly turning the handle, so it doesn't click shut. It's a scene of raw tenderness. I know the subjects, my son...
A Better Plan
I planted my window boxes last night. The sun was setting through the trees, but the long summer light allowed me to work until almost nine. The cooler temperature was welcome, and I thought of farmers who used to work late into the night with a full moon. It...