Why Winsome?

Why Winsome?

Do you remember? The gentle comfort of water cradling your face, muffling sounds, embracing you in wet warmth. Like a womb. Hair floating mermaid-like. Whoosh, whoosh. Held, light, no cares. Joyful. Yesterday, I was at a local lake with my daughters and grandkids. In...

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A Harmonious Dichotomy

A Harmonious Dichotomy

The sun smiles through the fog this morning. The grey sky and blue share the horizon. I'm not sure how the weatherman would describe it. But I like it. I like it because it is a reflection of my soul.  The grey heavy weight of fog is undeniable. There are...

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Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 30~An Attitude of Gratitude

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 30~An Attitude of Gratitude

Thank you for celebrating Thirty Days of Thanks with me! I pray you've been encouraged and blessed by something you've read here over the last 30 days and that you continue to give thanks throughout the Christmas season and into the New Year!  "Oh, give...

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Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 28~Thankful for Me

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 28~Thankful for Me

Sometimes I feel like maybe I sound like a broken record. Always talking about thanks-giving, how it's life changing, perspective giving, etc. And sometimes I think I've got it down, and I'm ready to move on to another lesson. Then there are days like today,...

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Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 26~How

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 26~How

Sonya McCllough is my guest today. Her words are tender and authentic and a beautiful example of the way thanks-giving transcends our circumstances. How do you give thanks … When your Mother dies on the first day of each new year? How do you give thanks … When...

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Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 25~Even In the Small Things

Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 25~Even In the Small Things

Mel Schroeder from A Barefoot Life is joining us today with her thanks-giving story. It is a testimony to the power of "small" things both given and received. Thanks, Mel! I remember the day so clearly, and it wasn’t one of those warm, fuzzy, happy-memory kind of...

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