For every woman who gives it everything she’s got . . . and still feels shame when one little thing goes wrong.
From work to looks to parenting, today’s modern woman is expected to strive to be picture perfect in every way. We applaud authenticity and imperfection in others, yet deep down most of us still want to achieve perfection. Why?
The desire to be perfect is actually a God-given urge. After all, we were made for Eden. But there is a difference between perfection and perfectionism, which is our attempt to achieve perfection on our own, by our own strength, and for our own purposes—the original temptation in the Garden. In this freeing book, Hyland offers a stirring manifesto for acknowledging our limitations and embracing the perfection of God through his grace.
As someone who has struggled with perfectionism and anxiety for most of my life, Kim Hyland’s words are life and breath and freedom to me. This is a message every woman needs to hear—not just once but many times.
My friend Kim Hyland hasn’t just written a tenderhearted self-help book for women. She’s taken the gospel and lit it up like a holy candle, shining it through our cracks and inviting us to not only acknowledge our imperfections but also take them to a perfect Christ and be made whole again. An Imperfect Woman is a convicting word in a culture that’s lost any kind of righteous fear. It will woo you into the heart of a most loving Savior, and your life will never be the same.
Like a well-trusted friend, Kim Hyland gets to the heart of the matter with grace and wisdom. With winsome stories and gospel-centered truth, Hyland’s An Imperfect Woman is just the tome we need to kick perfectionism to the curb.
Jesus said, ‘I have come that you might have life’ (John 10:10), but many of us—myself included—hear that as “I have come that you might be right.” There is a big difference between the two. Kim Hyland invites us to embrace the abundant life Jesus promised and to cast off our striving for, and idolatry of, rightness. Perfection is overrated and unattainable on our own. Get ready to let go of ‘right’ in exchange for ‘life’ as you turn the pages of this winsome book.
Do you find you often have the best intentions but continuously come up short? Are you bone-weary of striving, yet don’t truly know how to let your perfectionist tendencies go? Kim Hyland knows and understands your story and your struggle because they are her own. Lay down your good intentions, your striving, your spiritual perfectionism, and your shame, and let the sage wisdom and gentle teaching of An Imperfect Woman release you into wholeness, freedom, and gospel grace.
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How would your day today be different if you didn’t feel like you had to get everything right? Several years ago, I realized that my desire to “perform” perfectly was a chain around my heart. As I’ve embraced God’s invitation to rely on his perfection in my weakness, I’ve found an incredible freedom. I pray these devotionals will lead you to the same joy of walking in God’s grace and letting go of perfectionism’s captivity!