Thirty Days of Thanks: Day 1~Here We Go!

Where did September and October go? Is it really November 1st already?! My calendar says it is, so that means it’s time to give thanks in a BIG way.

For the past two years I have spent the days leading up to Thanksgiving (and a few right after) using this space to publicly give thanks to God for His innumerable blessings.

It’s a lot of fun, and I’d like to invite you to join me. Here’s why:

1. He is worthy of our thanks!

2. He commands us to give thanks always!

3. Because it opens our eyes to His goodness, power, and love.

4. It prepares our hearts for the Christmas season in a way nothing else can.

5. Giving thanks publicly encourages others to do the same and spreads the joy.

There are lots more reasons and even studies that demonstrate the measurable benefit to our lives of giving thanks. 

So are you with me? Here’s how it will go . . 

I will post my list of thanks here daily for 30 days. You can join me every day or any day by giving your thanks in the comments, by posting at Winsome Woman on Facebook, and/or posting on your own FB wall! If you are posting your thanks on your own blog, would you share the link to your post in the comments below?

There will be encouraging posts and guest posts on thanks-giving as well as a giveaway every Friday . . be sure to post in one of the two places to be entered!

Join me? I hope you will!

Giving thanks to my GOOD Father for . . . 

~ His glorious name

~ time away with my boyfriend

~ the way his eyes smile

~ my “I love Lucy” girl

~ that Sammy’s costume arrived in time

Your turn!


  1. Anonymous

    Today, November 1, I am thankful for Moms In Prayer. Thankful that God has connected me with this ministry. Over the years Moms In Prayer has allowed me to reach out to God for the benefit of my children and their schools and has also blessed me with a wonderful group of ladies who have become dear friends! Thank you God! BethAnn

    • kimhyland

      I don't know if there's anything that connects people like joining together in prayer! Add to that making it about our children, and those are some strong heart ties. I'm so glad you've joined me here, BethAnn!

  2. Anonymous

    I'm thankful to Kim Hyland for doing this 30 day of Thanks and opening it up to others so we can do this thanksgiving together. For a beautiful fall day w/a worship service and fellowshipping w/some wonderful friends afterward. And thankful for those wonderfu lladies who prepare the coffee/drinks/snacks for all to enjoy afterwards!. Thank You God for them… Susanne

    • kimhyland

      Thank you for joining in, Susanne. I'm thankful for you and your sweet, constant smile 🙂

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