Join An Imperfect Woman Launch Team!

See that brave little girl up there? She’s who I want to be when I grow up! Can’t you just feel her courage and strength?

Or is it naiveté?

Maybe. But maybe not.

Maybe she’s still in touch with who she was created to be. Unscathed by the harsh realities life has yet to throw her way, she’s acutely aware of her power.

She isn’t perfect. You don’t need to be when you’re Supergirl. She’s been loved well, and it’s made her invincible.

Like I said, she’s my hero, and today she’s my inspiration for some brave steps of my own!

My first book, An Imperfect Woman: Letting Go of the Need to Have It All Together, releases February 6, 2018, just a few weeks on the other side of this wonderful, busy Christmas season!

And I want to invite you to join my launch team!

But first, let me introduce you . . .



About the book

Women are bombarded with ideas of perfection–and tips for how to achieve it–every day. From her work to her looks to her parenting, today’s modern woman is expected to strive to be picture perfect in every way. As a result, calls for authenticity and imperfection are on the rise. Yet, deep down, most of us still want to achieve perfection. Why?

The desire to be perfect, says Kim Hyland, is actually a God-given urge. After all, we were made for Eden. But there is a difference between perfection and perfectionism, which is our attempt to achieve perfection on our own, by our own strength, and for our own purposes–the original temptation in the Garden. In this freeing book, Hyland offers women a stirring manifesto for acknowledging their limitations and embracing the perfection of God through his grace. This is a book for every woman who gives 110% and yet feels shame when one little thing goes wrong.


What people are saying

“As someone who has struggled with perfectionism and anxiety for most of my life, Kim Hyland’s words are life and breath and freedom to me. This is a message every woman needs to hear–not just once but many times.”–Holley Gerth, bestselling author of You’re Already Amazing

“Kim Hyland [invites] us to not only acknowledge our imperfections but also take them to a perfect Christ and be made whole again. An Imperfect Woman will woo you into the heart of a most loving Savior, and your life will never be the same.”–Emily T. Wierenga, author of Atlas Girl and founder of The Lulu Tree

“Like a well-trusted friend, Kim Hyland gets to the heart of the matter with grace and wisdom. With winsome stories and gospel-centered truth, Hyland’s An Imperfect Woman is just the tome we need to kick perfectionism to the curb.”–Kristin Schell, recovering perfectionist and author of The Turquoise Table


So what’s a launch team?

It’s a group of enthusiastic readers that support an author and help her get the word out about her book! Launch team members receive a free advance copy of my book in exchange for their help.

You will also have the opportunity to connect in a private Facebook community group where I’ll be sharing some “behind-the-scenes,” leading discussions about the book, answering questions, and offering some fun giveaways!


What’s the commitment?

  • Read the book!
  • Spread the word face-to-face, online, and on social media
  • Engage in the Facebook community for launch team members
  • Post a review on Amazon or on one of the other retailers where the book is sold


How do I apply?

Click HERE to apply! Launch team members will be chosen from these submissions (there are a limited number of books available) and will receive a follow-up email in the next couple of weeks with details about the private Facebook group, when you can expect to receive your advance copy, and more!

It’s my hope that the message of An Imperfect Woman will encourage and strengthen you in all your glorious imperfection, help you know how well-loved you truly are, and like my little friend, give you freedom and courage as you let go of the need to have it all together.

I can’t wait for you to read it and share this message with your friends! Your willingness to help spread the word is a gift to me. Thank you!


If you don’t wish to join the team but would like to pre-order a copy, you can do so now at the following retailers:

Amazon | Lifeway | Barnes & Noble |  CBD | Target  |  Books-a-MillionWalmart

Feel free to ask questions in the comments below or email me at


Photo credit: Purple Fern Photography



  1. Jennie

    Whoohoo, love that cover!!! Hey, recovering perfectionist here, so look forward to reading!!

    • kimhyland

      Thank you so much, Jennie! You’re not alone in that battle. I pray you’re encouraged!

  2. Gwen Mansini

    Kim, it would be my pleasure to be on your launch team. I would actually love to do it in memory of your wonderful mom who would so understand your purpose in writing this particular book. She is cheering you on with great pride and joy!

    • kimhyland

      Thank you, Gwen. That means so much to me 🙂

  3. layla bb solms

    I just applied to be on your launch team, Kim! This is a refreshing undertaking, and I am so happy for you!

    • kimhyland

      Wonderful! Thank you, Layla!

  4. Brenda Jump

    Hi Kim, I can’t think of a better way to honor my sweet cousin Nana than to honor you. I just signed up to be part of your launch team and I will be very glad to help you promote your book. While striving to be a perfect wife, mother, woman in an imperfect world it’s refreshing to have a reminder that God loves us just the way we are., the woman He created us to be.

  5. Ellen Chauvin

    Hi Kim! Congrats on the new book! My first thought when I saw the invite to join your launch team was “Do I have the time needed to give to this?” Then I popped over to Amazon and read a sample of the book. It resonated with me! From Great Grandma sowing song-seeds of love and truth, to equating pleasing with love, hiding from God when I’m not performing well. So, I absolutely had to apply for a spot on the launch team! I would be honored to help launch and promote this book. Thanks Kim for following God’s lead in writing this book.

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