Your Dream, A Path to God’s Heart

The realization of a dream isn’t half as dreamy as dreaming it.

It’s the put on your big girl pantspull up your bootstraps, and get to work part of seeing our dreams come to reality.

Dreaming isn’t for the faint of heart. At least not the “dreams come true” part. But often the inevitable roadblocks to our dreams cause us to doubt or even convince us we must be on the wrong path.

And the voice of doubt has all kinds of subtle dream-killer phrases to choose from:

“God must not really want me to pursue this dream.”

“I must have heard Him wrong.”

“Maybe I don’t really have what it takes.”

“Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, when the kids finish school, when the kids go back to school, after I’ve learned more, etc.”

I’d like to suggest another option when we find ourselves backed into a corner or tripped-up and facedown in the gravel along our God-sized dream journey.

Maybe we’re exactly where we’re meant to be.


Please join me over at God-Sized Dreams for the rest of this post!


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