Love Won

Would you believe me if I said I believe homosexuality is a sin AND I love and care about all people, including those who identify as homosexual?

In the wake of the supreme court’s decision last week, it would seem that the only way #lovewins is if I endorse both homosexuality and the right of homosexuals to marry.
But I don’t, and I can’t. 
As a follower of Jesus, I’m bound to both grace and truth. I realize the Christian church has had a hard time keeping a firm grasp on both of these, but the one is lost without the other.

Truth without grace ignores Jesus’ sacrifice and our inability to save ourselves. It makes little of love, because love is what gave birth to grace.
Grace without truth is a lie. It denies our guilt before a righteous God and makes Jesus’ sacrifice useless. He becomes nothing more than a good man who showed us how to love our neighbor and died for . . . . . what?
Much has been said lately about keeping silent in the face of sin and injustice. People’s passion for the oppressed has caused them to overcome fear of ridicule and even hate. It is this spirit in which I’m writing. I realize my stance lends itself toward being labeled as hatred, and that’s scary. But I won’t allow fear to silence me. 
I’m writing because of love. The love of God shown to me through Jesus, and the love I have for Him, for His word, for truth, and for the costly grace He secured for me and all who would repent of their sins and call on His name. 
Yes, love won on Friday . . . Friday a couple thousand years ago on a hill in Jerusalem.

Because love won on the cross and will win in our world, I will love. 
(I commend to you the entire chapter as an accurate & beautiful description 
of Christian love . . . “the kind of love the Father has given to us”)



    I love what and how you shared this Kim. Grace and truth are evident in your words and your sweet spirit of love shines through. This has been a tough win for me. I struggle to put it into words but worry that the redefining of marriage could ultimately redefine other institutions…for example parenting. I wonder if now, language and politically correct terminology will culturally erase words like mother and father. I also have many friends who live their lives as homosexuals. I've loved and continue to love them unconditionally. I do believe love wins and in that spirit will work hard to be an agent of the Most High, a distributor of His grace and truth by serving well (as best I can) those he's called me to live in community with. I've never wanted to choose sides, I've refused to judge. But what of my silence? Today you've said everything I needed to hear, and you said it in a way that I could receive it. Thank you.

    • kimhyland

      Lisha, I understand that struggle to hold to truth and love. Thankfully, Jesus showed us how! You are a stunning "agent" and I know God is using you! Praying for you, friend. XO

  2. elizabeth

    Beautifully and graciously stated truth!

    • kimhyland

      Thank you, Elizabeth. I really appreciate your encouragement!

  3. Anonymous

    Hmmm? You state your "case" as if what you are proclaiming are "undisputable facts?" But they are not. They are your opinion. They are your opinions, based upon your religious beliefs……Christianity. I get the feeling that you honestly believe that your religion is the only "correct" religion. But since there are well over 20 other major religions in our world, who is to say which one is the only "right" one? Not me. As of July 2013, "The World Fact Book" estimated that the population on earth was 7.125 billion people……and that 400 million of those were Christians. That means that there are many, many people who do NOT share your religious beliefs. And of course, they do not have to. And you do not have to share their religious practices or beliefs either. Pretty much end of the story. But the First Amendment gives EVERY human being in our United States the right to: freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly and the right to petition the government." I am a Christian myself. But this is my own personal choice. I also choose to respect the billions of other people in this world who have made their own personal religious choices, as to who or what they want to follow and believe. It is not my place to judge others, especially those who are doing no personal harm to anyone else. We do not have to agree with their actions or beliefs, but we also do not need to tell them that they are wrong and that they are sinners and are going to hell…….do we? Because this does not sound like being "loving" to me. The Bible references many "sins" and "evil acts" that we humans are not to participate in. There are over 500 "sinful ordinances" named in the old testament, and there are at least 67 sins named in the New Testament that we are NOT to commit. Some Christians believe that God teaches that all sins are equal, and that any sin is disobedience against God. Others believe that some sins are worse than others. The idea that "all sins are equal in God's eyes" comes from the idea that any one sin will lead to death. If we commit a single sin, we are as guilty (in God's eyes) as if we had committed the worst sin–regardless of which sin we committed. The other idea that "all sins are not equal" comes from the idea that certain sins are worse than others. In my mind this breaks down to this: Essentially, any one sin is sufficient to keep us from God, but all sins are not the same. (There are many, many scripture verses which support both sides of this debate.) Serial killers, child molesters, drug dealers, wife beaters, thieves, liars etc….are considered to be "sinners" by most people's earthly standards. But just because someone is a homosexual, this does not make them a bad person, or a "terrible sinner." They have not harmed anyone. It is a lifestyle, not a crime. Perhaps their own personal religion is not opposed to homosexuality?? What do you say to this? Are we going to say that their religion is wrong? No. We can only say and feel that our religion fits for us. It is not our place to judge others and be so self-righteous towards other people who do not believe in what we believe. I say let God be their judge. Through the years, I have learned that Christians have differing attitudes, differing degrees of faith, and differing views on a variety of biblical issues. So who is right? Does it really matter that much to have to be SO RIGHT? Equality and justice is for everyone. Let us focus on our own walk with God, and our own relationship with Him. Let us allow innocent, law-abiding people to have their rights, which are due them, under the law. (Not under someone's religion?) It is their life to lead, not yours or mine. My comments might not be the most popular here, but these are my Christian thoughts and my Christian feelings. Thank you ~

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