Why You Need a Retreat

So I’ll just begin by saying . . yes, I host a retreat. And yes, I would love for you to attend. But honestly, that’s not really what this post is about.

No, this is about you and why you need a retreat.

For the sake of clarity, let me define what I mean by a retreat. This definition will do . . . “a quiet and secluded place in which one can rest and relax.”

Your soul needs this place. And probably more than once a year. If you haven’t taken this kind of focused time for yourself (or if it’s been more than a year since you did), let me give you a few reasons why you should.

1. A retreat recalibrates your soul. The busyness and harshness of life have a way of knocking our souls off kilter and robbing our everyday of meaning and purpose. A retreat can bring us back on course.

2. A retreat reminds those you love that you are a woman worth caring for. It’s easy to be taken for granted as a woman. Not because your loved ones are spoiled and selfish, but because you are so generous. You give and give, and those around you can easily forget (or never even know) you have needs too. It’s good for them to see you take time to care for yourself!

3. A retreat lets you feel. It can be scary. But whether the deep “feels” of your soul are positive or negative or more likely a messy mix of both, you need time to sit and sort and feel.

4. A retreat reconnects you to the best of you. If you’re gracious with yourself on your time of retreat, you have the wonderful potential to get to know parts of you that you may have forgotten or have just never taken the time to know. 

For a while there was a push to call retreats “advances.” No, thank you. Every day and every one will invite me to advance, push harder and faster, and excel. A retreat is a unique invitation to step away and even back a few steps to a quiet and secluded place in which one can rest and relax.
Whether it’s a day, a weekend, or week. Whether you go a quiet place all alone, with a few friends, or a large group of likeminded women. Whether you take just a Bible, journal, and pen or sit and listen to stories and lessons from women like you . . . I hope you’ll consider taking a retreat in the near future. 
Winsome is just one opportunity. There are some other amazing women around the country that want to see you refreshed and encouraged and have planned retreats for that very purpose!
I encourage you to check out these regional retreats coming up in the near future:

(hurry . . registration closes Sunday, 2/1)

Jumping Tandem: The Retreat

In case you aren’t convinced yet, here’s one more reason (the best reason) for you to take a retreat . . your Father wants to spend time with you. He wants to go with you to a still place and remind you that He loves you like crazy. And if there’s no other reason at all, that’s why you need a retreat.

1 Comment

  1. Denise J. Hughes

    Love this post! And l love your heart. I appreciate the way you clarify what a retreat is really for. It's not about advancing. It's about reconnecting with the parts inside us that get squished in the rush of everyday life. It's about quieting our souls to hear His voice.

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Jumping Tandem: The Retreat