Worth the Risk

Dreams. They inspire and challenge. But dreams can also have a negative connotation. Consider statements like…
“Quit dreaming.”
“She’s just a dreamer.”
Dreams are often met with cynicism, because they’re risky. They upset the “status quo.” They’re not safe.
Join me over at God-Sized Dreams for the rest of this post and some more of my thoughts on dreams and risk!


  1. Laurie Collett

    Years ago my husband gave me a T-shirt with the slogan, "Nothing happens unless first a dream." Even in high school, my yearbook quote was from Thoreau: "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost — now put the foundations under them."
    Thanks for the beautiful post!
    God bless,

    • kimhyland

      Thank you, Laurie. I love that Thoreau quote!

  2. Nina

    Thank you for a wonderful post – I followed your link and left a note in the end 🙂

    • kimhyland

      You're welcome, Nina! Thanks for your comment and for reading 😀

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