Ruffles & Lace

They didn’t tell me about this part.

When she was tiny and dressed in ruffles, I would dream of the day she’d wear lace.

And it was all good.

She grew bigger and began to dream dreams of her own. Prince Charming entered the scene in those dreams years before he’d take the stage.

“Daddy who will I marry?”

And we smiled and anticipated the day we’d give her away.

That should’ve clued me in.

Give her away?!

But the ruffles, lace, and dreams of her finding love coated my imagination and hid the reality of all those three words would require.

Now here we are.

The night before her wedding.

Tomorrow is the day every little girl and her momma dream of.

Ruffles, lace, princess, charming . . and my aching heart.

Why in the world would I give away such a treasure?

God whispers . . 

She was yours for just a time. Yours to love. To care for. To laugh, cry, learn and grow with. But not yours to keep, hoard, hide. She is mine, and this is not only her choice but my plan for my daughter. It’s good. Trust me. I will care for her. Be glad.

And I realize a momma’s heart aches so often because it’s stretched so wide.

I feel the familiar pull again. My heart relents and stretches wider than I thought it ever could.




And it’s all good.


  1. Debi

    Well said – blessings to you ALL on this blessed day. So happy for Emily!

  2. Mary

    Prayers today for Emy and her prince charming and you. The nature of growing is to mature and to create anew. I am pondering anew with you what the ALMIGHTY can and does do for us! OH how GOOD. What a fabulous day for the LORD to display his LOVE. Thanks for sharing yourself. Hugs to all Hylands

  3. Pink Paisley

    Dear Kim, Feel those feelings and embrace them! They will mellow into sweet memories in time. Some of us have longed for a daughter to experience life with and God said "no". I love what you've said here and am able to feel some of those feelings through you and will be praying for a strong heart today. Emy belongs to God. Rejoice and be glad!

  4. Jodi

    God bless you, your family, and the bride and groom! I remember the day we gave our girl away, not only to a wonderful young man, but to another country. What you wrote is heartfelt and lovely.

  5. Diane

    Praying for your momma's heart today. <3 I love you!

  6. Leslie

    Blessings to your beautiful Emily on her wedding day.

  7. Laura Rath

    Beautiful, Just beautiful!

  8. Cara Lewis

    Such a precious momma's heart. Must be filled with so much emotion right now. Love you lots and lots. This is beautiful. <3

  9. Caryn Christensen

    And God just loves a Mama's heart! A wedding is such a beautiful place to "let go". So happy your family has been blessed with another son 😀

  10. Holley Gerth

    Your Mama heart is so beautiful, Kim, and you bless so many of your sisters with that same kind of love. It's a gift to be in the same "family" with you through Jesus. 🙂

  11. Jeanne

    I thank you so much for giving your daughter away to my son. They looked incredibly happy together on their wedding day, didn't they?

    After "giving away" three daughters, I completely relate to your struggle. I have to admit, though, that my emotions were just as strong in releasing my son from my home to begin his own family. Now, one more son to go …

    Before the engagement, when Ethan and Emy had decided that they wanted to marry, she privately asked me if I was okay with it. I replied, "When my boys were growing up, I would tell them to remember that the woman they would choose to marry would be raising my grandchildren. Emy, I am thrilled with Ethan's choice and that you will be raising my grandchildren." She, of course, cried … and so did I.

    Thank you for sharing your daughter with us. I am thrilled for them both as they begin life's journey together with God.



    • kimhyland

      Thank you for sharing that, Jeanne. I am grateful for Ethan and my heart takes such comfort in knowing He loves and pursues God just as he loves and pursues Em. They have great days ahead!

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