He’s telling me about an antique car some guy found in a junkyard. Only 5 of them in the world and 3 (or something like that) were crushed.
I’m only half listening.
But something nudges me, maybe it’s that we’re spending the day together to celebrate our 26th anniversary, and I stop what I’m doing and . .
1. Look at him
His eyes are excited with the story.
2. I engage
It doesn’t matter at all to me. Cars are cars. They get me from A to B.
But his eyes and the inflection of his voice make me smile.
3. I step toward him and nod.
And old junkyard cars that guys restore because there’s just a few left in the world start to interest me.
Mean something to me.
Because he does.
Listen = Love

I love this! My husband is the same. Loves the old cars and multiple other things that seem to just swoop over my head. I've done the same thing. Stop what I'm doing, focus on what matters to him. Thank you for the fantastic reminder!! I'm so glad I stopped by from FMF!
~Sarah from http://sudryandspecific.wordpress.com
My husband is like this with fashion and photography…by listening to him I developed a passion for both. I "see" differently because I've listened to him. Thanks for this lovely Addition to Five Minute Friday. Have a great week.
This is such a great lesson, one that many spouses can relate to! Thank you for sharing …