I haven’t been around here for a couple weeks.
Funny, because my head has been here more than anywhere.
I don’t mean my blog but the reason I started writing it.
(This all sounds pretty confusing . . even to me.)
What I’m trying to say is that I’m one day out from fulfilling a dream by hosting WINSOME, a retreat for women.
I started this blog 4 years ago, because nothing jazzes me more than encouraging women.
I love writing, speaking, and just spending time with women.
So the idea of an entire weekend doing just that has been gestating in my heart and mind for years.
And tomorrow is WINSOME’s due date!
It looks like she’ll arrive right on time.
And like every other baby I’ve birthed, the days leading up to her birth have been full of both pain and joy.
The best things in life almost always are.
I’ve lost sleep, worried, spent hours getting ready, and now I’m fighting some kind of bug . . nerves maybe?
But she’s worth it.
Because you are.
And I am.
Worth it.
Both of us 🙂
Praying that God showed up big for your conference this weekend! Can't wait to hear about it!