Your Dreams Are Meant to Come True


They inspire and challenge.

But dreams can also have a negative connotation. Consider statements like . . 

“Quit dreaming.”

“She’s just a dreamer.” 

Dreams are often met with cynicism, because they’re risky. 

They upset the “status quo.”

They’re not safe.

In his book, Take the Risk, author and neurosurgeon Ben Carson, points out the obsession our culture has with safety while at the same time its fascination with risk as evidenced by the popularity of reality TV shows.

This is the same way our culture tends to view dreams. They make good stories, but only a lucky few really get to live their dreams.

The rest of us will live safe, sound, and be satisfied with the dreams of sleep.

It’s true. Dreams are dangerous.

But so is living life without them. 

What are your dreams? 

Do you have any, or have life’s realities snuffed them out? 

Has your practical side convinced you to grow up, set aside your dreams, and live a safe life?

I believe our dreams come from God. 

They’re not made of pie-in-the-sky wishes, butterflies, and daisies but of dirt, rocks, and hard work.

And tears.

And hope.

And miracles. 

I believe we are stewards of our dreams. God has planted them deep in our hearts for our pleasure and His plans.

I didn’t always think this.

In fact, up until a few years ago I esteemed feet planted firmly on solid ground much higher than I did a heart set free to imagine and dream of what could be.

A lot of things happened. But the gist of it is this . . my kids taught me how to dream. Watching them pursue their passions and gifts, walking beside them, and even helping open some doors for them gave me the courage to reconsider dreams I’d shelved years ago.

Like writing a book.

Hosting a women’s retreat.

Creating a non-profit.

So the last few years I’ve nurtured these dreams, watered them with fragile faith, and taken steps that were risky and bold.

And guess what?!

My dreams sprouted 🙂

Some have even grown tall and are almost ready to bear fruit.

And that safe life I thought I had . . I realized it really wasn’t as safe as I’d thought.

Because living life “safe” from the best things in life, the life I’m meant to live, complete with dreams coming true is not what I’m here for.

My dreams are meant to come true and so are yours!

I’ll be sharing a lot more details about my dreams over the next few days and weeks. I have some surprises I can’t wait to share with you!

And here’s one . . 

Holley Gerth is a bestselling author and, even more importantly, a woman’s best friend!

Holley loves women and believes in their dreams. So much so that she’s put together a team of bloggers to encourage women in seeing their dreams come true. And I’m on her team!

She’s also written books about it. Her first one launches tonight at midnight!

It’s called The Do What You Can Plan, and it’s a perfect place to start down the path of seeing your dreams come true!

Read all about it here.

And go here to get your copy for just $2.99 . . it’s FREE today, January 1!

Let’s make 2013 a year to dream together!

For more timely encouragement from Holley go here.

(FYI, did you know you can read an ebook on your computer? Go here to download a FREE Kindle app)

1 Comment

  1. Holley Gerth

    Beautiful post, Kim! And thanks for sharing about my little words. 🙂

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