Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 2: Good Grades

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God.
~ Micah 6:8
When I was a kid I loved getting report cards. I was a good student and got mostly A’s & B’s, so report cards felt like a stamp of approval and validation. 
As an adult, I’ve often wished I could get a report card. 
“Would somebody please tell me how I’m doing here?!”
While I might not get all good ones, there’s something about the objectivity of a grade that is incredibly appealing to me. 
If I got an A, I’d know I was doing well.
If it was a B, there’d be room to improve.
Even a C would let me know I’m average.
A D would motivate me to work harder.
And an F . . well, hopefully I wouldn’t get an F.
That’s why this verse is so appealing to me. I like to read the instructions before I start something. (And read them again. And one more time. And just one more to be sure.)
I like to do things right. So what does God require of me?
1. do justice
2. love mercy
3. walk humbly
I can do that. Simple. Sweet. No prob.
Or can I? 
Might justice doing take a lifetime of conscientious attention to the ever increasing needs of my world?
Mercy is easy to receive. Not so easy to show.
Walk humbly? And all that humility entails?
I read once that humility is not thinking less of oneself but thinking of oneself less.
Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not getting graded. 
Giving thanks . . 
2. the love and support of my husband
3. simple, lifelong tasks


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