Quotes to Ponder

In the midst of all my packings, I have just a couple offerings for your weekend ponderings 🙂

These wise words from Sarah Clarkson (daughter of Sally Clarkson for all you homeschooling momma’s) . . 

“Nothing means a jot if it’s done apart from the lover God who is the cause and maker and object of it all . . The thought that wakens me to life in the morning, the joy in my bones, the love by which I am settled in myself and able to see into the hearts of others. Day by day, waking by waking, morning by morning, I must reorient myself to him.” 
~ Sarah at Thoroughly Alive 

And I want to recommend a wonderful new blog for moms, Mom Heart. It is edited by my friend Kristen Kill from Hope With Feathers and will feature encouraging articles for moms by writers from various blogs. Here’s an excerpt from Kristen’s post today: 

“I have to build [quiet moments] in to the foundations of this life our family is making . . to seek grace in quiet places so that I can cultivate grace in the busy ones. A mother, I am finding, who does not take time to fill her own soul, has very little to offer the souls in her care.” ~ Kristen at Mom Heart

Thanks, Sarah & Kristen. Great words for a busy season. I’m off for a cup of tea and then back to packing.

P.S. I just came across this quote and “beautiful, terrible” post and had to share it with you:

“Frederick Buechner once said that God calls us to places where our ‘deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet’.”
~ Jennifer at Getting Down with Jesus


  1. emily wierenga

    oh i love these quotes kim! thank you. i wish i could come visit you at your mountain home… you're such a blessing to me. xo

    • kimhyland

      Emily, I'm so glad. I wish you could come visit too!! Maybe someday. If you EVER make it to the east coast of the U.S. please let me know, and if I get anywhere near Alberta, you know you'll hear from me 😉 I was praying for you mountain weekend today. XO

  2. Jodi

    God bless the new abode. I hope you're all settling in and loving every minute in your new home.

    • kimhyland

      Thank you, Jodi. Yes, we are gradually settling, and I am loving it! Still trying to get the last of the stuff (too much stuff) out of the last one. We'll be totally done Saturday . . . yay!!!

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