
“Don’t be afraid.”

I’ve said it many times. Heard it too. As a mom, it was one of my first tasks. To reassure my children that I was here, they were safe, everything would be okay.

In the face of a world of fear, maybes, and what-ifs, they are three of the most reassuring words ever spoken.

The angels always started with them, “Do not fear.” They must have been a scary specter, but they always came with such good news.

To Mary, “You will bear a child, and He will take away the sin of the world.”

To the shepherds, “I bring you good news of great joy . . for today there has been born for you a Savior.”

It makes me wonder how many of our natural fears might be the predecessors of great things.

Fear is a funny thing. It can be life saving or life stealing. On the one hand some good common sense can keep us from harm. But I think more often fear tends to steal opportunity and the present moment.

I’ve learned a lot about fear as a mom. Dealing with my own and teaching my children to deal with theirs.

I’ve learned about courage too. But in this lesson I have been the pupil.

As I have watched my children fight their fears, overcome obstacles, and pursue their dreams, I have been inspired to follow in their courageous steps.

This blog is the fruit of that lesson. I always loved to write, filled journals with thoughts, and on occasion shared something I’d written with someone close.

But watching my children discover and boldly pursue their passions and gifts challenged me to face my fear and begin writing publicly.

And great things have happened.

No, no bestseller yet. But lots of encouragement from friends and strangers. Most of all, seeing my love for words being used to inspire, comfort, challenge, humor, and encourage others.

“Don’t be afraid.” Three powerful words.

My daughter, Emily recently entered an original song in a music competition and is a semi-finalist. Em is a dancer, actress, model, and singer/songwriter, and she unabashedly describes herself so. Those are her passions and the places God has gifted her, and she is pursuing them with abandon. I’m blessed by her talent and inspired by her courage.

Would you please vote for her? To hear her song and vote go here and scroll down to the bottom: AMTC Shine Music Competition 



  1. Kati patrianoceu

    Fear… it seems to be a theme. I think of the person who has two friends who just dove off a 100m cliff into the sea. He's scared of heights. But he's also scared of being considered a wuss. So he jumps. But by being courageous he gave in to fear. I think this is where I am right now in thinking about what you've described here – I don't know what the fear reaction is anymore! Maybe, as you see in your kids, it's easier to tell when looking at others than at ourselves?

  2. Brian Miller

    you know, when i have made the largest faith moves in my life i have felt a mix of fear and excitement…and usually that means i am doing the right thing…

  3. Brian Miller

    nice…i like her song too…vote in…

  4. Jodi

    "Most of all, seeing my love for words being used to inspire, comfort, challenge, humor, and encourage others." They do! They do! Keep it coming.

  5. Kath

    Wow, sometimes the fear is a sign that it is important to you, isn't it? Angels always seem to preface their messages to people in the bible with 'do not be afraid', and then tell them something life-changing…
    I enjoyed your words today.

  6. emily wierenga

    oh friend, this was really powerful. i needed this, dreadfully. thank you. xoxo

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