Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 29: Family

Tomorrow will undoubtedly be a full day . . in more ways than one. For all the preparation, we often still find ourselves caught off guard. 

By life. 

In all her beauty. And her mess.

Somehow we imagine she wasn’t invited to this feast. Or at least got the memo to dress her best and behave. 

This article from The New York Times suggests “A Serving of Gratitude May Save the Day.” 
Highly recommended, should be required, reading in preparation for tomorrow. And life.
This is something I wrote a couple years ago (tweaked here for the occasion):

The holidays are an interesting mix of anticipation and disappointment. 

Joy and sorrow. 

Laughter and stress.

This beautiful tender ache.

Our souls hurt and flourish in the being of this place and all its mortals. Friends, sisters, mothers, brothers, fathers, and all of these.

The sin-sick abides with the God image. One moment brilliant with reflection. The next blackened by the deceiver.

War all around. Yet so many blind. Ignorant.

I will laugh. I will cry. I will war.

I will love.

I will give thanks.

407. Wow . . 407!
408. morning sky
409. new sweater
410. driving over the mountain
411. beautiful valley in my rearview
412. good news from a friend
413. God’s love and faithfulness through a son
414. great dentist
415. shopping for Chase
416. playing “Thank You” ping-pong with Sam
417. husband who can fix cars
418. good neighbors

419. big sister
420. and cupcake fun

421. simple joys

422. tomorrow

423. Josh’s homecoming

424. call from Daniel
425. generous family who are hosting him for Thanksgiving
426. this

427. and THIS

428. plenty to eat
429. moon shine
430. friends
431. counselors
432. family
433. holiday season
434. enough to share
435. courageous men and women defending our country . . thank you


  1. Brian Miller

    nice…i love all the faces in the pictures through your grat list….and holidays can be just such an emotional mix…i hope yours are amazing and you walk them gracefully…

  2. cooloceanwaves

    have a fun thanksgiving.

  3. emily wierenga

    "this beautiful tender ache"

    love this.

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