
I’ve been thinking about the Israelites and how God revealed Himself in such unmistakable ways to them, yet they still struggled with trusting Him.

Imagine being trapped between the Red Sea and Pharoah’s approaching army. I’m sure many despaired and prepared to die. Some would have looked to their own meager resources. “Can we defend? Escape?”

But others must have remembered how God had delivered them from the plagues and the angel of death. How He had plundered the Egyptians on their behalf. How just last night He had led them with a pillar of fire and today a cloud. And in the remembering their hearts must have been strengthened. Fear dissipated. And expectancy fill their minds . . “What will our God do now?!”

In the tight spaces of life, I usually look first to my resources, and when those are exhausted I tend to despair. But I want to be like the few who remembered. Who recounted to their own hearts and others’ demonstrations of God’s love and redemption in their lives. Who focused not on their circumstances but on the size and might and love of their God. I want to live grateful for the past, trusting in the present, and expectantly for the future.

“What will my God do now?”


  1. Brian Miller

    most def…i want to be in that number as well and trust enough to know the miracle is coming…

  2. Claudia

    i always wondered how they felt, standing at that shore with the enemy chasing them and there seemed to be no way to escape…and how often i feel like that and god splits open the sea and leaves me amazed once more..

  3. Ostriches Look Funny

    Amen! It's so exciting to LIVE when we remember how amazing He is, but so often I forget that, and I freak out and cry instead of look to the future without fear. What a great reminder. I'm glad I found you from Emily's place, this was very encouraging today.

  4. emily wierenga

    me too, friend. me too. xo

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