
Busy buries belief
That I have something to offer
More lasting than my “to do” list

But I DO
I know I do
My heart beats with words
All a jumble
Just waiting 

For the soul silence 
The still in which to speak 

Slow down!
Life tastes too good
To gulp

Not to savor the flavor
So carefully prepared
By One so full of love

Now linger here
At His table
Under His banner

This is your sustenance
The food that feeds the soul
That breaks busy
Brings life

Now write


  1. Jodi

    Thank you for this, Kim. I love your waiting words. Someday our to-do lists will be put to sleep, and we'll never have to leave the table. Hope I get to sit beside you.

  2. Cathy K

    The language in this is simply delicious, I especially like – busy buries belief. And a great reminder to sloooowwww waaayyy doooowwwn and feed the heart and spirit…

  3. Rambling Heather

    "Slow down!
    Life tastes too good
    To gulp"

    This is beautiful as are the many other words that you have here. I love coming here to read and ponder.

  4. Rene

    I appreciate your words so much. I'm told my Native American totem is the Hummingbird. As you know, Hummys like the sweet nectar of flowers and that red juice, I have in my window. I've come to learn that the sweetest nectar is actually within. What we fill ourselves with and what is inside us, is what we have allowed our hearts to feed on. Praying the source of our nectar is constant love, joy and peace. Yes, let us savor it "now" and not worry about what we get or don't get tomorrow. Thank you for reminding us gulp the good and relax the worries away.

  5. emily wierenga

    oh kim, you are brilliant. life tastes too good to gulp… i'm tucking this deep. i want to savor it… to really know it. thank you.

  6. Joybird

    Life tastes too good
    To gulp

    this is encouraging…I've been eating on the run this week in every way

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