Another Ending

looking down I drown

but His steady gaze sustains me
the waves are huge
doubts lapping at my legs
“you’re in too deep”
but their maker defies their depth
standing on the surface of a sea He spoke into being
and so my circumstances
He ordained them
created them
is Lord over them
and He gazes still at me
reaching out His hand
in His eyes a surety that defies my doubts
so I step
linking with


  1. Brian Miller

    smiles. faith begins outside the boat…

  2. Ostriches Look Funny

    i like this, I love how you are not worried about the danger, the waves, they SEEM like a major problem, but you know someone bigger than them. You believe in miracles.

  3. Jodi

    A beautiful example of living faith. I like this, too.

  4. emily wierenga

    i love this, and the parallel with peter stepping across the water… crossing over his doubts, his belief in Jesus bigger. as it is in you and your beautiful prose. thank you. xo

  5. life or something like it

    but their maker defies their depth

    I needed to see this today.
    Thank You

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