Twenty-Three Years

I saw you. Not with my own eyes, but by the light of the Spirit. Your face shined illuminated by a heart of faith.

I saw you. Free from the burdens, fears, and trials of this earthly life. A man of God, reflecting His joy, His courage, His beauty. In a word, enthusiasm. Infused by God . . Theos. Created for His works prepared for you before time. Equipped by His own Spirit. Loved and upheld by His Son.
I saw you. Privileged to know you better than any other one. Made to walk, and often run, beside you. Entrusted with this vision. To keep seeing, believing, breathing the reality of what I know is true.
I will. For you.
holy experience


  1. emily wierenga

    kim, i felt like crying after reading this. and your husband's face glows. such love, in it. i'm so glad to have met you. i am going to follow you, if that's okay. thank you for stopping by my blog today.

  2. kimhyland

    Emily, thank you so much for your encouraging comment. I'm thrilled that you would like to follow me! Ironically/providentially, I was exploring your blog, when I saw your comment. I found you about a week ago and have been touched by your honest, humble faith in God and love for your family. I look forward to sharing God's grace together.

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