Yes, Comfort

I wasn’t sure I’d join up today. I’m not even sure I’ll post as I write this. 
I just finished reposting a tribute I wrote to my son’s friend a few months ago as he was fighting for his life. He has been for a long time. His short little life.
Shaun is 23 months old today, and his family is gathering at a hospital in Virginia to say goodbye to him.
Comfort. Comfort? 
It seems the antithesis of their circumstance.
Is there comfort enough for a mother . . just days before we celebrate all she is . . to find comfort in the impending death of her son? A mother who has said goodbye once before to an infant child. I can’t imagine, fathom enough comfort.
Yet she claims it. Through tears proclaims it. Offers scripture to those around her who mourn. 
She comforts! 
Because she has the Comforter. The one who faced death and overcame, so she could have hope. She surrenders in her pain to the incredible discomfort of death, loss and sorrow with the hope that in her tomorrow there will be comfort enough for the day. 
And the amazing hope of her precious son being embraced in the very arms of comfort.
(Please pray for my friend Denise, her son Shaun, and her family. You can read Shaun’s story here)
Five Minute Friday


  1. Plays with Purpose

    What a beautiful, faithful, hopeful mother's heart. Only God can truly comfort at times like these and only the comforted can truly know His comfort.
    Still praying,

  2. marlece

    Can you imagine if a Momma didn't understand that she had the comfort of Jesus to see her thru such a time? Thank you Lord that He is our comforter!

    Read many posts down and love to read more. Look forward to it!

  3. marlece

    Oh, and I love the name of your blog!

  4. Alia Joy

    I cannot imagine. Only we who know comfort and hope and life everlasting could ever stand through suffering and still lift weary hands in praise. Glory. Praying for peace and comfort and thinking of what I can do as an act of kindness in Shaun's name. Thank you for sharing this.


    Hi Kim..stopping by from Five Minute Friday
    the loss of a child is something that should never be…and is truly a place where questioning and doubt could overtake a struggling soul. praise God for your friend Denise and her family being used – even in this. To show His show His love. be well as you find comfort in her testimony of grace in the midst of the worst kind of trial. have a blessed weekend.

  6. Ashleigh Baker

    So heartbreaking, Kim. Definitely praying for them.

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