Will You Be My Friend?

Circle yes or no.

The invitation and solicitation wrapped up in one. A little girl’s simple, straightforward words to request. To fill a hunger of heart she can’t begin to comprehend. So vulnerable and sweet.
And so unaware of the precipice upon which she balances. On one side, the rapturous joy of relationship. Cold, confusing rejection on the other. What naivete in the asking.
What fearlessness!
Time and experience change the words and method. Heart wounds make us careful. But the “yesses” spur us on, giving courage to face the possibility of disappointment. No longer a matter of a passed note and a circle. Now the request comes veiled in “coffee”; a walk; a chat between lessons, sports, meetings. A hundred disguises, but the same desire that calls out from heart to heart.
God, give us courage to keep asking. To keep risking.
And to keep finding this beautiful, dangerous gift . . friendship.
(She circled “Yes!”)
Joining “imperfect prose on thursdays”


  1. TALON

    I'm so glad she circled "yes".

  2. Claudia

    i like this – and yes – friendship is always a risk and we may be hurt – but i'm glad of the "yes" in your write

  3. Leslie

    Oh, you've captured well the vulnerability of childhood. The easy trust, just as quickly shattered by rejection. May we all be healed of past hurts and go forth fearlessly in the power of God's love to keep seeking those who will be friends.

  4. ELK

    your writing today is food …and light

  5. Nancy

    I see that tender childhood risk you describe continue to echo in my grown-up, gray-haired life, continuing to show me the need to be vulnerable, to seek courage, to cling to Christ. Well said.

  6. Emily Young

    I LOVE this. I like that you describe friendship as a "beautiful, dangerous gift," and stepping out in friendship as a "fearless" endeavor. Every time someone circles "yes," it gives us courage : )

  7. emily wierenga

    this is powerful. and i crave it. this friendship you speak of, the kind that makes you dance on the edge… beautiful, friend. thank you so much for linking up. xo

  8. Melissa Runcie | Madabella

    came from imperfect prose…this is so sweet and something i think we all long for the courage to ask, to step out and be vulnerable to possibility.

  9. joanny

    Excellent description of friendship, tender, poignant.

    came by from emilys

  10. Rachel

    I like how you connected the note with the circle yes if you want to be my friend to the now of being adults in meeting over coffee, walks, sports meetings. It is the same vulnerability, and the same desire for fellowship and community.

  11. Mama Zen

    This is absolutely brilliant!

  12. Melinda

    Beautiful! We are built for that friendship and the need stays the same whether we are 5 or 45.

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